- Initial Data Collection, Collation, Analysis and Management
- Damage Accident Modelling beyond current statistics
- Numerical Simulations and Verification
- Flooding Risk Model
- Mitigation of Flood Risk
- Risk-Based Design Demonstrators
- IMO recommendations for a risk-based regulatory framework
- Dissemination and Exploitation
Numerical Simulations and Verification
The main objective of this workspace is to test and improve accuracy and liability of existing numerical flooding simulation tools in realistic large-scale flooding scenarios. This will be achieved by:
- Verification of numerical models using model tests for “knowledge-gaps” such as the effect large open spaces and the internal arrangement;
- Benchmarking of numerical models using dedicated model test results;
- Generating input for probabilistic approach to be developed in workspace “Flooding Risk Model”;
- Generating input for mitigation measures developed in workspace “Mitigation of Flood Risk”;
The numerical methods will also be used to nurture and support the use of numerical time-domain simulations as an alternative of support for compliance to IMO regulations in ship design and operation, including emergencies. Such simplified numerical tools will be used in a broader sense for risk assessment in the design stage of ships, and also on-board in an acute damage case where rapid answers are required.
Here you can download the reports of this workspace:
Deliverable 4.1 "Modelling_of_flooding_process.pdf"
Deliverable 4.2 "Model_tests_Vol._1_2_3_4_and_5_.pdf"
Deliverable 4.3 FLARE_D4.3_Benchmark_Study_final_version.pdf""
Deliverable 4.4 "Result_of_simulations_of_scenarios_as_input_for_the_probabilistic_flooding_model_in_WP_5.pdf"